Open Gate FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
How soon will the weapon scanners be in place?
With the start of the 2024-25 school year, entry screening equipment will be used at all Gloucester County Public schools. This marks the first year scanners will be used during student and visitor entry into the school building. Metal detectors have identified potential threats during after-school activities, including athletic events, graduation, and School Board meetings.
Are the scanners the same as metal detectors?
The scanners are more sensitive than traditional metal detectors. That scanner technology can more accurately identify metal sources that may be potentially harmful rather than sounding an alarm for all types of metal, such as coins.
What types of metal detectors are being used?
The scanners, developed by a company called OpenGate, are designed to screen large numbers of people, including their backpacks, quickly and efficiently. The free-standing scanners are portable and suitable for indoor and outdoor use, making them a good choice for open-style campuses and traditional school buildings.
There will be adjustments to arrival as students become familiar with the process. Still, it is essential that the entire school community participates.
Who will pass through the detectors and what is the process?
All students will pass through free-standing body scanners one at a time. Students with laptops must remove them from their backpacks and hand them to a staff member who will return the device once the student has passed through the scanner.
If the alarm sounds, the student will empty their pockets and pass through the scanner again. If the alarm continues to sound, the student will step to the side to be scanned by a trained staff member using a wand. Although the wand does not touch the person, it makes noise when it detects metal. Bags and backpacks will also be searched as needed.
Visitors to school campuses will pass through scanners at the main entrance vestibule.
Who is operating the metal detectors/scanners?
A team of trained administrators, school safety officers and members of the GCPS safety team will manage and monitor the entry process.
What if a weapon or illegal substance is found?
If a weapon or illegal substance is found, police will take possession of it immediately. The person bringing the item(s) onto school property will face potential law enforcement involvement and/or disciplinary actions aligned with the GCPS Code of Student Conduct.
What resources are available to students or employees who are anxious about the metal detectors?
Families are encouraged to talk with students about the addition of scanners before the start of the school year. Please review the informational video of the OpenGate weapon detection system below.
School counselors are prepared to support and assist as needed.
What if I don't want my children to participate in the field test?
To be effective, it is essential that the entire school community follow all safety protocols, including arrival procedures, using the scanners. If your child cannot pass through the metal detector for medical reasons, please contact the school nurse or the principal. Otherwise, the expectation is that all students will follow staff directions regarding this important safety matter.
What if a student refuses to pass through the detector/scanner?
If the students refuse this search, their parents will be called, and the students will be sent home.
Adult visitors to the school who refuse to go through the scanner will be denied entry.