Office of Transportation

Gloucester County Public Schools Transportation is committed to maintaining a safe, positive, and respectful environment while transporting all students to and from school. All students are expected to show respect toward the bus driver, fellow students, and property. Every student, regardless of age, is responsible for following the rules/expectations outlined below. Each bus will have a posted copy of basic school bus safety rules/expectations. Due to time and safety concerns, parents/guardians are not allowed on the bus.

Seating charts are utilized for student safety and security. Students are assigned a seat at the start of each school year and adjustments may be made as necessary by the driver, school, or transportation administrative personnel.

GCPS Bus Stop Information Here

Attendance Zone Maps:

Elementary Schools' Attendance Zone Map
Middle Schools' Attendance Zone Map

To the best of our ability, this map is accurate. However, please do not rely solely on this resource if you have questions.
Please call GCPS Transportation (804-693-2127)  for detailed information regarding specific 911 addresses/locations.

The Gloucester County pupil transportation system is a unique and complex operation. The pupil transportation system operates 87 bus routes, transporting over 4,500 students to and from school each day. Bus drivers must operate their vehicles on roads ranging from interstate highways to remote, rugged secondary roads. Operating over one (1) million miles per year, pupil transportation is the vital link between the home and an effective educational program at school. The maintenance personnel ensures the entire transportation fleet is maintained in the safest and efficient manner. We are proud of all staff who work in harmony to ensure a safe, efficient, and responsive transportation system.

Transportation Department

"Driving the Future"

5318 T. C. Walker Road
Gloucester, Virginia 23061

Phone:  804-693-2127

Tanya Deckard

Director of Transportation Services

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Sharon Wellington

Transportation Manager


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Daniel Burnett

Transportation Shop Manager


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Amber Rodriguez



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Jeanette Hogge

Assistant Router and Special Needs Coordinator


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Lorie Burnett

Pupil Transportation Specialist


Jennifer Jernigan



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