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Central Food Service

Summer meal program

Initial registration has closed for this program. If you'd like to participate, please call 804-693-6081.

July 25th Menu

food directions

Petsworth Menu pick up

petsworth and page


achiles menu

Non-Congregate media releases 1

Click on the image above to download/view a PDF version of the release.

Page 2

Open Sites Media Release

Click on the image above to download/view a PDF version of the release.

page 2

Add Funds to student lunch accounts.

View current student account information.

We serve appealing, reasonably-priced meals!

Discover the nutritional value of the foods we offer.


LINQ Connect is now ready! Check out our new menu service by clicking here or on any school's Dining link in the main menu.

Once on the site, just select your school from the drop down school selection.

We Are Hiring!

Full and part-time positions available.

Apply online by clicking here.

Media Releases


Media release for Botetourt, Peasley, and Gloucester High

Gloucester County School Nutrition Services is so excited to welcome you back for the first day of school on Monday, Aug 28. All students who attend Botetourt, Peasley, and Gloucester High will still have to fill out an application to receive free and reduced meals. The link to the online meal application https://www.myschoolapps.com/Home/PickDistrict?ZipCode=23061&State=VA.

Paper copies can be found at the school offices and the cafeteria. We are looking forward to serving you. Please contact us with any questions at 693-6081

Mission Statement

Caring...Sharing...Learning...through nutrition 

The Gloucester County Public School’s food service meal program serves appealing, reasonably priced meals to your child/children. (Eligible students may receive meals free or at a reduced price: breakfast 30 cents and lunch 40 cents.)

Meals are planned by the Director of Food Service and the Culinary Specialist, with input from students and teachers. All meals meet the criteria and regulations of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Virginia Department of Education. Menus are planned with the goal of providing students with one third of their Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for key nutrients and calories. Extra effort is made to provide low fat alternatives and to keep the average of calories from fat below 30 percent.

Give your children all the benefits of good nutrition so they can achieve their highest possible potential.

Unpaid Meal Charges

Students who do not have money on account or in hand to cover the cost of a meal at the time of service will be permitted to charge the meal.

Reasonable efforts are used to avoid calling attention to a student’s inability to pay.

Notice of low or negative balances in a student’s meal account are sent to parent(s) or guardian(s) and the school principal. All such notifications will be addressed to the parent(s) or guardian(s) directly by the Central Food Service Office via phone, email, and/or mail.

Parents are expected to pay all meal charges in full by the last day of the school year.

If a parent regularly fails to provide meal money or send food to school with the student and the student does not qualify for free or reduced benefits, the child nutrition director will inform the principal, who will determine the next course of action, which may include notifying the department of social services of suspected child neglect and/or taking legal steps to recover the unpaid meal charges.

The school board is prohibited from filing a lawsuit against a student or the student’s parent because the student cannot pay for a meal at school or owes a school meal debt.

Division Office Contacts

Lydia Gilbert

Lydia Gilbert

Director of Food Service
[email protected]

Christal Jett

Christal Jett

Culinary Specialist
[email protected]

Raven Carlton

Raven Carlton

Administrative Associate I/Bookkeeper
[email protected]

Food Services Managers

Barbara Brown
Abingdon Cafeteria Manager
(804) 642-9586

Leslie Rothenberger
Achilles Cafeteria Manager 
(804) 642-3801

Amy Rivera
Bethel Cafeteria Manager 
(804) 693-0492
Unchu Edgerly
Botetourt Cafeteria Manager 
(804) 693-1194

Josephine Hurd
Gloucester High School Cafeteria Manager 
(804) 693-0565

Fran White
Page Middle School Cafeteria Manager 
(804) 693-2540

Janet Whitam
Peasley Middle School Cafeteria Manager 
(804) 693-1359

Patricia Alexander
Petsworth Cafeteria Manager 
(804) 693-2017

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 Have questions or comments about the information on this Web page? 

E-mail Us

Central Food Service
Gloucester County Public Schools
6097 T C Walker Rd.
Gloucester, Virginia 23061
Phone: (804) 693-6081
Fax: (804) 693-2395