Educational Foundation

Who We Are - What We Do!

A non-profit corporation established to create a public/private partnership to implement public school improvements approved by the School Board.  Current projects include the annual Mini-Grants Program and the annual Teacher of the Year Program, which recognizes and rewards outstanding teachers from each school.  The Foundation's only fundraiser is its annual run/walk.

The GCPS Educational Foundation funds programs that enhance local schools. Each year, the Foundation holds a 3K and 8K Walk/Run as its only fundraiser, and all proceeds benefit Gloucester schools, including the Teacher of the Year program.

Gloucester Ed Foundation Annual Run/Walk

The Gloucester County Public Schools Educational Foundation (as set forth in its Articles of Incorporation) focuses on acquiring and distributing resources that enhance extraordinary educational opportunities throughout the Gloucester County School District. The Foundation recognizes that a strong community needs strong schools; therefore, we fund programs that help support high quality education.

Our single fundraiser is the annual 3K, 8K, and Virtual 5K run/walk event. Proceeds from this event fund our Teacher of the Year program, which recognizes outstanding performers from every school in our county, and our mini-grant program, which gives teachers funds to create innovative new projects for our students.

Our 2024 events raised almost $17,000 from 36 sponsors and 488 participants, providing our community the opportunity to be actively engaged in supporting our schools. The next 3K and 8K event will take place at Gloucester High School on March 22, 2025. There will also be a virtual 5K event that participants can do anytime between March 1 and March 22.

To become a sponsor for this event, please click on Sponsorships. To register for the 3K, 8K, or Virtual 5K event, please click on Race Registration. For more information about the 2025 event, please email

Gloucester County Educational Foundation Chesapeake Bank and Chesapeake Wealth Management

3K & 8K Run/Walk and Virtual 5K

Thank you to all who supported this event! See the video link below.

Teacher of the Year